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Summary: A young couple out for a walk decide to take a stroll through a large cemetery. As darkness begins to fall they realize they can't find their way out, and soon their fears begin to overtake them.
Runtime: 1 h 26 min
MPAA: Unrated

Country: France
Language: French
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Summary: After a psychoanalyst unsuccessfully tries to convince four sisters that they are not 200-year-old vampires, the Queen of the Vampires promulgates the cause of the Undead.
Runtime: 1 h 35 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Country: France
Language: French
Movie budget: $ 200,000
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Summary: An exotic dancer is sent on an undercover mission to Thailand to investigate a secret biochemical factory.
Runtime: 1 h 25 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Country: France
Language: French
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Summary: Lost in New York is a 1989 made for television film directed by Jean Rollin, which is one of his most personal films and has a runtime of just 52 minutes.
Runtime: 0 h 52 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Country: France
Language: French
MPAANot Rated
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Summary: 5 models board a cruise ship with a cute Indian stowaway in Emmanuelle's trunk. A 2nd officer plans a kidnap of them with jewels once they reach the Amazon jungle.
Runtime: 1 h 30 min

Country: France
Language: French
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Le masque de la Méduse (2009)

Actors: Marlène Delcambre

La nuit des horloges (2007)

Actors: Marlène Delcambre

Dracula's Fiancee (2002)

Actors: Marlène Delcambre

Two Orphan Vampires (1997)

Actors: Marlène Delcambre

Le parfum de Mathilde (1995)

Actors: Marlène Delcambre

La griffe d'Horus (1990)

Actors: Marlène Delcambre

Sodomanie (1984)

Actors: Marlène Delcambre

The Living Dead Girl (1982)

Actors: Françoise Blanchard and Marina Pierro

The Escapees (1981)

Actors: Françoise Blanchard and Marina Pierro

Cannibals (1980)

Actors: Françoise Blanchard and Marina Pierro

The Night of the Hunted (1980)

Actors: Françoise Blanchard and Marina Pierro

Pénétrations vicieuses (1979)

Actors: Françoise Blanchard and Marina Pierro
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