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Summary: Gianni is a retiree who has become invisible to most everyone around him. In response, he tries his best to generate some kind of extracurricular love life.
Runtime: 1 h 30 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Country: Italy
Language: Italian
Domestic: $ 317,405
International: $ 2,533,447

Box office:

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Stucky (2024)

Actors: Giuseppe Battiston

I Can Quit Whenever I Want (2019)

Actors: Ernesto Sevilla, Carlos Santos, and David Verdaguer

The Handyman (2018)

Actors: Ernesto Sevilla, Carlos Santos, and David Verdaguer

Finché c'è vita c'è speranza (2015)

Actors: Nina Torresi and Dario Aita

Smetto quando voglio (2014)

Actors: Paolo Calabresi, Libero De Rienzo, Lorenzo Lavia, Edoardo Leo, Pietro Sermonti, Valerio Aprea, and Stefano Fresi

Niente orchidee (2010)

Actors: Paolo Calabresi, Libero De Rienzo, Lorenzo Lavia, Edoardo Leo, Pietro Sermonti, Valerio Aprea, and Stefano Fresi

Oggi gira così (2010)

Actors: Paolo Calabresi, Libero De Rienzo, Lorenzo Lavia, Edoardo Leo, Pietro Sermonti, Valerio Aprea, and Stefano Fresi

Fino alla fine (2010)

Actors: Paolo Calabresi, Libero De Rienzo, Lorenzo Lavia, Edoardo Leo, Pietro Sermonti, Valerio Aprea, and Stefano Fresi

Achille e la tartaruga (2005)

Actors: Paolo Calabresi, Libero De Rienzo, Lorenzo Lavia, Edoardo Leo, Pietro Sermonti, Valerio Aprea, and Stefano Fresi
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