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Summary: Facing deportation, Frenchwoman Cécile turns to a dating service to find an American to marry and stay in the US. However, it soon turns out that her pick, Zack, is not quite who he seems and that he's disturbingly obsessed with her.
Runtime: 1 h 38 min

Countries: France, Canada
Language: English
Domestic: $ 110,995

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Summary: A bachelor enjoys his sweet life on the French Riviera until a one-night stand tells him, he's dad to Gloria and leaves her with him. He moves to London with Gloria. Mom turns up 8 years later.
Runtime: 1 h 58 min

Language: French
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Mon Inconnue (2019)

Actors: Joséphine Japy and François Civil

Les Baumettes (2014)

Actors: Joséphine Japy and François Civil

The Gilded Cage (2013)

Actors: Joséphine Japy and François Civil

Like Brothers (2012)

Actors: Joséphine Japy and François Civil

À l'abri des regards indiscrets (2002)

Actors: Joséphine Japy and François Civil

La vie sans secret de Walter Nions (2001)

Actors: Joséphine Japy and François Civil
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