  • Allan Gurganus
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Summary: McElwee family legend has it that the Hollywood melodrama "Bright Leaf" starring Gary Cooper as a 19th century tobacco grower, is based on filmmaker Ross McElwee's great-grandfather, who created the Bull Durham brand.
Runtime: 1 h 47 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Language: English
Domestic: $ 77,888
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Summary: A man is greeted as a war hero in his hometown due to a photo from Korea of Marilyn Monroe and him in LIFE magazine. He ends collecting insurance payments - basically conning poor people. He befriends a cute rich girl and a poor o...
Runtime: 2 h 00 min

Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: Can you go home again? What if you're a gay man and home is a state where voters keep electing a homophobe to the US Senate? In 1996, native son Tim Kirkman returns to North Carolina to explore the parallels and differences betwee...
Release Date: September 09, 1997
Runtime: 1 h 22 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Domestic: $ 17,744

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