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Summary: A sultry French boarding school for girls, in the early twenties. The young pupil Lucienne evades but returns with a weird police inspector who should protect her. Against what or whom? Solange, the psychic unstable gym teacher? O...
Runtime: 1 h 22 min

Production: Baraka Productions
Country: France
Language: French

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Summary: A genuine performance film as Bernadette Laffont and Bulle Ogier engage, with reckless abandon, in a flurry of senseless destruction in a house at night. Somewhere between a hallucination and a nightmare. Both the explosive soundt...
Runtime: 0 h 58 min

Country: France
Language: French
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Rien, voilà l'ordre (2003)

Opération séduction (1975)

Vous intéressez-vous à la chose? (1974)

La ville-bidon (1971)

Prologue (1970)

L'or du duc (1965)

Èves futures (1964)

Sweet and Sour (1963)

Paris la nuit (1956)

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