  • Hiroshi Nawa
Summary: This movie is based on the true life story of a Korean fighter named Choi Bae-dal (who later changed his name to Masutatsu Oyama), the founder of Kyokushin Karate in Japan.
Runtime: 1 h 31 min

Production: Toei Tokyo
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Summary: Spurred by a fascination with Holocaust atrocities and his rapist biological father, a wealthy student secretly abducts and subjects women to acts of sexual torture.
Runtime: 1 h 40 min
MPAA: Unrated

Production: Nikkatsu
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Summary: In a mountainous region of Japan, Lord Arakawa kidnaps the men of nearby villages to use as slave labor, producing gunpowder from his sulfur pits. A band of young boys decide to rescue their enslaved fathers on their own.
Runtime: 1 h 27 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Summary: Ogami Itto volunteers to be tortured by the yakuza to save a prostitute and is hired by their leader to kill an evil chamberlain.
Runtime: 1 h 29 min

Country: Japan
Language: Japanese

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