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Summary: Solo (Mafia Undercover) stars Marco Bocci as Marco Pagani. Marco is an undercover cop code named Solo who has infiltrated the Italian Mafia in Rome. By twice saving Bruno Corona (Peppino Mazzotta), whose deal with a Ukrainian arms...
Release Date: November 09, 2016
Genre: Crime
Runtime: 1 h 40 min

Country: Italy
Language: Italian
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Put Grandma in the Freezer (2018)

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Vengo anch'io (2018)

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Renata Fonte (2018)

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La scorta di Borsellino - Emanuela Loi (2018)

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Mario Francese (2018)

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Fortunata (2017)

Actors: Jasmine Trinca and Nicole Centanni

Stratton (2017)

Actors: Connie Nielsen, Thomas Kretschmann, and Dominic Cooper

Ho amici in paradiso (2017)

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Un Natale al Sud (2016)

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Romanzo siciliano (2016)

Actors: Fabrizio Bentivoglio, Filippo Nigro, and Claudia Pandolfi

Fuoco amico: Tf45 - Eroe per amore (2016)

Actors: Raoul Bova and Megan Montaner

La grande rabbia (2016)

Actors: Raoul Bova and Megan Montaner

Squadra antimafia - Palermo oggi (2009)

Actors: Simona Cavallari and Giulia Michelini

Il professor Cenerentolo (2015)

Actors: Simona Cavallari and Giulia Michelini
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