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Summary: The final sixty-seven days of Van Gogh's life are examined.
Runtime: 2 h 38 min

Country: France
Language: French
Domestic: $ 193,205
International: $ 513

Box office:



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Summary: A husband and wife in a loveless marriage struggle to remain ignorant to their failed relationship.
Runtime: 1 h 50 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Countries: France, Italy
Language: French
Domestic: $ 14,104

Box office:



adaptation directed by original author, based on novel

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Meurtrières (2006)

Actors: Céline Sallette

Le garçu (1995)

Actors: Gérard Depardieu, Géraldine Pailhas, and Antoine Pialat

Under the Sun of Satan (1987)

Actors: Gérard Depardieu, Géraldine Pailhas, and Antoine Pialat

Police (1985)

Actors: Gérard Depardieu, Géraldine Pailhas, and Antoine Pialat

À Nos Amours (1983)

Actors: Sandrine Bonnaire

Loulou (1980)

Actors: Sandrine Bonnaire

Passe ton bac d'abord... (1978)

Actors: Sandrine Bonnaire

The Mouth Agape (1974)

Actors: Nathalie Baye and Philippe Léotard

L'enfance nue (1968)

Actors: Nathalie Baye and Philippe Léotard

Pehlivan (1964)

Actors: Nathalie Baye and Philippe Léotard

L'amour existe (1961)

Actors: Nathalie Baye and Philippe Léotard

L'ombre familière (1958)

Actors: Nathalie Baye and Philippe Léotard

Congrès eucharistique diocésain (1953)

Actors: Nathalie Baye and Philippe Léotard
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