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Summary: Chris Marker and Pierre Lhomme's LE JOLI MAI (The Lovely Month of May) is a portrait of Paris and Parisians during May 1962, the first springtime of peace after the ceasefire with Algeria and the first time in 23 years that France...
Runtime: 2 h 45 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Country: France
Language: French
Domestic: $ 55,038

Box office:


Possibly woke elements:

class differences,racism,colonialism

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Summary: In the midst of rehearsals for a new play, amateur dramatics proponents Colin and Kathryn receive the shattering news that their friend George is fatally ill and only has a few months to live.
Runtime: 1 h 48 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Country: France
Language: French
Domestic: $ 11,616
International: $ 2,411,763
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Summary: From beyond the grave, celebrated playwright Antoine d'Anthac gathers together all his friends who have appeared over the years in his play "Eurydice." These actors watch a recording of the work performed by a young acting company...
Runtime: 1 h 55 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Countries: France, Germany
Language: French
Domestic: $ 18,929
International: $ 1,147,811
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Summary: A quirky woman who spends her free time as a pilot has her purse stolen; when a mysterious man finds her wallet, they embark on a peculiar romance.
Runtime: 1 h 44 min

Countries: France, Italy
Language: French
Domestic: $ 403,952
International: $ 4,430,938
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Summary: After attempting suicide, Claude is recruited for a time travel experiment, but, when the machine goes haywire, he may be trapped hurtling through his memories.
Runtime: 1 h 31 min

Country: France
Language: French
Domestic: $ 71,717
International: $ 8,676
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