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Summary: A young priest is ordered to preside over the wake of witch in a small old wooden church of a remote village. This means spending three nights alone with the corpse with only his faith to protect him.
Runtime: 1 h 17 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Production: Mosfilm
Country: Soviet Union
Language: Russian
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Summary: A young priest is ordered to preside over the wake of witch in a small old wooden church of a remote village. This means spending three nights alone with the corpse with only his faith to protect him.
Runtime: 1 h 17 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Country: Soviet Union
Language: Russian
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Summary: A young priest is ordered to preside over the wake of witch in a small old wooden church of a remote village. This means spending three nights alone with the corpse with only his faith to protect him.
Runtime: 1 h 17 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Production: Luch, Mosfilm
Country: Soviet Union
Language: Russian
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