"Welcome to the NHK" is a profound and layered anime series that delves into the complexities of isolation, fear, and the search for meaning in life. While it may initially appear to be a tale about overcoming loneliness and inner demons, it ultimately explores something far more universal: the nature of genuine human relationships. The series emphasizes that true connections are not built on fleeting...
“In a short time, man will be able to see what is happening anywhere in the world without leaving his own house,” the gypsy chief Melquiades prophesies to the settlers of Macondo on Page 2 of One Hundred...
Porcelain War **1/2
It’s not surprising that being caught in a war zone should yield a tangle of thoughts and ideas, but that tangle manifests itself in a documentary by directors Brendan Bellomo...
Dull. And thinks it's much wittier than it is
You know when something seems like it might be liberal but.. isn't? Even if it was meant to come across that way? I still don't know what the director's intention was. But watching it makes you think that ethnic diversity leads to such a hell on earth that people literally want to escape to space
You know when someone recommends you a film and you think I'm probably not going to like this, then you watch it anyway? Yeah. This was so bad. It was like Reddit in a film
My Various Platforms Odysee https://odysee.com/@Argent:9 Gab https://gab.com/ArgentTemplar Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/FxGX3zW9CLEf/ Telegram Group https://t.me/argent7771 Telegram...
Barry Jenkins’ “Mufasa: The Lion King” is a visually splendid but overly familiar semi-sequel, mostly prequel to Jon Favreau’s CGI motion-capture 2019 remake.
I’m not fond of either of the...
On this week’s episode, Sonny Bunch (The Bulwark), Alyssa Rosenberg (The Washington Post), and Peter Suderman (Reason), discussed Will Tavlin’s n+1 opus on Netflix and the rise—or maybe resurgence—of...
This is a good example of aiming to high and hollywood would do it better, The Lion of Flanders is (sadly enough) not a good film by any sense, where did they go wrong? Oh, on so many accounts, the music doesn't fit this type of film, the acting is bad to decent, the pacing is bad, the sets are bad, the costumes are somewhat alright, but then we get to watch some of the most atrocious battle scenes...
Mica Tenenbaum of Magdalena Bay in concert during the Imaginal Mystery Tour at Historic Scoot Inn in Austin, Texas on September 28, 2024. (Photo by Rick Kern/Getty Images)
Sometimes, happenstance works out for the best. Robert Eggers’ Nosferatu will be the last movie I see in theaters in 2024, and it’s a spectacular way to close out the year in film, if not particularly...
With the rise of authoritarian rule, AI deep fakes, and misinformation on the internet and social media, this sci-fi/documentary hybrid paints a dystopian world that may one day be the future. Serving...
MAGA v DOGE, the Christmas gift that keeps on giving, is an early sign of the coming infighting that could diminish Trump's power—we're definitely not seeing signs of an iron fist amid all that golfing...
It is indeed a wonderful life if your entire town is white european, (minus that housemaid). The character desperately wants to leave to see the world, but plenty of the film shows life in the town with a real sense of community. Progress of the plot may feel a bit slow compared to today's films. As a poor excuse you can try to pretend that's the source of the character's wanderlust. The main villain...
The American Jewish Committee and a committee of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops just issued a joint statement entitled Translate Hate which claims that Catholics may be guilty of sin...
Dec. 29 (UPI) — Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is the No. 1 movie in North America, earning an additional $38 million in receipts this weekend, BoxOfficeMojo.com announced Sunday.
The post Box Office: ‘Sonic...
"Beautiful Rendition of a Classic Novel"
Content: -1 Caution advised for older children, including teenagers, and sensitive adults.
Entertainment Quality:
"Ruined by Excessive Content"
Content: -3 Excessive sex, violence, immorality, and/or worldview problems. (Sometimes excessive content such as violence is in otherwise redemptive movies.)
Depardieu and Signourney Weaver team up to give us all this stinker of a comedy film, where to start, this must be one of the most awkward comedies I have seen in a long time, no real chemistry between the leads, a terrible plot, not a single clever moment or genuine comedic moment, it's a true slug to get through, but competently made so you keep watching hoping it gets better. It doesn't. Now on...
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Total found: 444