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Summary: Tiberian Twilight is the last episode of the Tiberium saga, involving Kane. Global Defense Initiative (GDI) and Brotherhood of Nod are still at war.
Release Date: March 16, 2010
Genre: Drama

Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: As the Allied Forces beat back the Soviet occupation in Europe and prevented the Empire of the Rising Sun from taking over the world. The post-war occupations by the Allies has begun. But what the Allies do not know is that the pr...

Country: United States
Language: English

Possible lazy cash grab:

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Summary: As the Soviet Union was beginning to face defeat by the powers of the western world, General Krukov and Colonel Cherdenko with Dr. Zelinski make a last ditch effort to save the Union by using Zelinski's latest invention, a time ma...

Production: BeachHouse Films
Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: After the death of Isildur and subsequent disappearance of the One Ring, the Witch-king of Angmar plans to attack the Dunedain kingdom of Arnor and take control of the north.

Country: United States
Language: English

Possible lazy cash grab:

Possible Big Business:


New Line Cinema

(Warner Bros. Entertainment subsidiary)

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Summary: You play the events of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, both with the Fellowship of the Ring and the larger War of the Ring.

Country: United States
Language: English
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