  • Raymond Phathanavirangoon
Summary: A rescue mission is assembled in Thailand where a group of young boys and their soccer coach are trapped in a system of underground caves that are flooding.
Runtime: 2 h 27 min

Movie budget: $ 93,000,000
Summary: An ordinary Japanese family slowly disintegrates after its patriarch loses his job at a prominent company.
Runtime: 2 h 00 min

Language: Japanese
Movie budget: $ 2,500,000
Domestic: $ 278,356
International: $ 665,191
Summary: Inevitably, a transfer to a maximum security prison will eventually challenge the integrity and ethics of a young correctional officer on his way to become a chief executioner.
Runtime: 1 h 55 min

Language: Malay
Domestic: $ 2,578
International: $ 58,174
Summary: A cop who becomes a hitman for a group aimed at eliminating those who are above the law finds his world turned upside down by a single a devastating blow.
Runtime: 1 h 45 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Countries: Thailand, France
Language: Thai
Domestic: $ 1,373
International: $ 114,138