  • Peter Laird
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Summary: When the Shredder and Krang team up to launch a takeover of Earth, the Turtles must rally to stop their invasion.

Countries: United States, Japan
Language: English
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Summary: The video game based on the tmnt movie. The turtles fight against the foot clan in New York city
MPAA: E10+

Production: Game Arts Co.
Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: In their third outrageous, bodacious adventure, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles must save New York from an invasion of that unruly alien race, The Triceratons, who have come in search of the Fugitoid, a.k.a. Professor Honeycutt, ...
MPAA: E10+

Production: Konami, Nintendo DS, Xbox
Countries: Japan, United States
Language: English
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Summary: The sequel to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus sets the turtle quartet on another adventure from the series' second season, this time allowing the entire team to work together via a...

Country: Japan
Language: English
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Summary: When Raphael and Michelangelo discover the entrance to a large tunnel in their house, Donatello's newly found crystal starts glowing. The turtles enter the tunnel but are soon confronted by genetically mutated humans.

Country: Japan
Language: English
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Summary: Play as Michaelangelo who has to rescue the other Ninja Turtles that have been kidnapped by Shredder.

Production: Konami
Country: Japan
Language: English
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Summary: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles take a relaxing vacation in Key West, Florida. One day while watching April O'Neil's news broadcast, Shredder appears, captures April and suddenly causes Manhattan Island to raise high into the air.
MPAA: E10+

Production: Konami
Country: United States
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Summary: Shredder has once again teamed up with Krang and kidnapped April O'Neil, and it's up to the Ninja Turtles to rescue her. Side scrolling/fighting/platform game boy game.

Production: Konami
Country: Japan
Language: English
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Summary: The Ninja Turtles have to fight against Krang and Shredder and save their friend April O'Neil.

Production: Konami
Country: Japan
Language: English
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Summary: Shredder has kidnapped television reporter April O'Neill and the awesome foursome: Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael must kick into gear and defeat Foot Soldiers and some bogus bosses and defeat the evil Shredder.
MPAA: E10+

Production: Konami Industries
Country: Japan
Language: English
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Summary: Four humanoid turtles experts on martial arts must defeat Shredder, who has kidnapped the reporter and friend April O'Neil.
MPAA: E10+

Production: Konami Industries
Country: Japan
Language: English