All the 1914 films I've seen, from best to worst.
It should also have THE DADDY OF THEM ALL, an Oiver Hardy short.
Cabiria The Rounders Shot in the Excitement The Masquerader Tillie's Punctured...
[1]1,158 words
I knew I had to watch Intolerance, a classic movie in its own right, in conjunction with The Birth of a Nation because it is invariably described as director D. W. Griffith’s...
Wabbit season!!! At Matt Zoller Seitz’s group site, Wagstaff has a great essay on showing the classic cartoon shorts...
Slapsticon returns Right now, I’m sitting in the lobby of the Spectrum Theater in Arlington, having finally made it...
This movie passed 2 of 3 tests (although dubious). It was entered by Trina B on 2013-08-10 05:01:03. Trina B said:
This film is VERY difficult to rate, and not just because it's a silent film.