The Truman Show is a profound spiritual allegory that goes far beyond its surface-level entertainment value. While on the surface it's about a man discovering his life is a TV show, at its heart, it's a powerful metaphor for humanity's spiritual awakening in our materialistic world. Truman Burbank represents every person trapped in the gilded cage of modern existence. He has everything society tells...
Alright, this one is gonna' need some explaining but in the future if I watch more Bollywood I won't add a preamble every time. But I loved this film, man. TL;DR It's Parent Trap + Love Me If You Dare. Only watch it if you think you might like a Bollywood film and enjoy cheesy 90's stuff. Made me like Pajeets even though I know that's as silly as thinking the average Japanese person even remotely...
I can't believe I waited 3 days for the torrent to complete for this, but no surprises why no one's seeding. Originally I was going to watch it on 123 movies, but what they had labeled as this movie was instead a strange skateboard flick overdubbed in Russian. In retrospect, I should have watched that instead. I'm sort of burying the lead here: This movie sucked dick. Let's start off with things...
As always, I am super biased because I love this era of film. But by the end of the movie I was sold. At first, I figured it was just my usual cope watching, projecting my worldview onto things so that I can stomach Western media. (If you have watched the documentary "Hollywoodism" and know that Hollywood has always been pro outsider, subversive, secular, etc. you can't turn your brain off. The POZ...
I'd definitely say this is more so a movie directed towards female audiences as it's about sisterhood, witches and romance. Yet I do feel some men would enjoy this movie simply because its older and not woke with an all white cast. I enjoyed it because it's an older movie and something about movies past the 2000's or early 2000's has such a good feel to it. These type of romance movies remind me...
Hoffman (jewish) the lead actor - plays himself - but as an abusive psychologist scientist (you can't make it up). His crew are affirmative action picked in the jewish tradition. First is a blonde white woman that was Hoffmans patient, but that he slept with, and broke her (she is mentally unstable, its his fault). Second is his pet black man samuel L jackson, a genius of course and a student of classical...
Very kino lovecraftian underwater thriller. In my opinion it has a better cast and plot dynamic than The Abyss, which while a good flick goes on way, way, way too f**king long to hold your tension. This one is just the right length and packs twists in at the right pace.
This movie is rock solid! A bunch of tough working-class guys venture into space to save the world - what more could you ask for in a script like this?? Well, perhaps you say, you'd prefer a more realistic plot, but silence you, nobody cares! Who needs to consider trivial details when you can watch Bruce Willis save the world? Not me, that's for sure. By the way, the ending is absolutely wonderful!...
The film starts off strong, leading viewers to believe it will have a meaningful narrative. However, it quickly becomes apparent that this movie is a mess. It's clear that Ethan and Joel Coen spent an evening brainstorming while under the influence of weed, resulting in a plot filled with so many twists and loose ends that it ultimately devolves into a confusing mess. At some point, I imagine, that...
This movie passed 1 of 3 tests. It was entered by Jack on 2024-05-01 01:37:46
I replayed the X-Files game out of nostalgia for the iconic TV series. While it was fun to see videos of the original X-Files actors and I did enjoy revisiting the game to some degree, I have to admit that it has not aged particularly well. The game is incredibly linear and rigid in its structure, with little room for player agency or variation in the dialogue. The ending also feels rather open-ended...
This movie passed 2 of 3 tests. It was entered by gloriascott on 2018-12-15 00:12:51
Don't take me wrong, this is a fascinating look into the life one one of last centuries most interesting figures and it certainly isn't watered down that much, but I was hoping we could have gotten a little bit more context and depth in this otherwise terrific documentary. I honestly have the feeling we are getting more of a personal glimpse and not an explanation of what is the meaning behind Junger's...
This movie passed 1 of 3 tests. It was entered by gloriascott on 2018-12-14 22:24:19
This movie passed 2 of 3 tests. It was entered by Canomia on 2009-09-23 23:05:05
This movie passed 2 of 3 tests. It was entered by Matt1234 on 2015-12-11 01:02:49
This movie passed 1 of 3 tests. It was entered by veryannie on 2017-06-14 18:54:38
This movie passed 3 of 3 tests (although dubious). It was entered by Nellie on 2014-02-27 23:05:59
This movie passed 3 of 3 tests. It was entered by AFK on 2012-09-02 08:47:40
This movie passed 1 of 3 tests. It was entered by Guillaume Gerber on 2016-03-31 07:56:53
Total found: 306