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Summary: The most powerful drug dealer of his time, Amado Carrillo Fuentes was a man who became the head of the Juarez Cartel. He was nicknamed the lord of the skies for his fleet of planes he used to transport drugs.
Release Date: April 15, 2013
Genres: Action, Drama, Crime
Runtime: 1 h 00 min

Countries: Mexico, Colombia
Language: Spanish
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Summary: When a hacker begins releasing students' secrets to the entire high school, the socially isolated but observant Sofía works to uncover his/her identity.
Release Date: May 22, 2020
Genres: Drama, Thriller
Runtime: 0 h 37 min

Production: Lemon Studios
Country: Mexico
Language: Spanish

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Summary: Ángela marries Álvaro after a whirlwind romance during his business trip. After Álvaro abandons her in favor of his other fiancée Samanta, Ángela tracks him down and meets Leonardo, a doctor who may offer real love.
Release Date: October 11, 2021
Genre: Drama
Runtime: 1 h 00 min

Production: Televisa
Country: Mexico
Language: Spanish
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Malvada (2022)

Malibú (2021)

Almas Rotas (2021)

Actors: Raúl Méndez, Andrés Montiel, and Daniela Zavala

Tramposos con suerte (2020)

Actors: Raúl Méndez, Andrés Montiel, and Daniela Zavala

Como caído del cielo (2019)

Actors: Carolyn Caldera, Stephanie Cayo, Ana Claudia Talancón, José Pepe Bojórquez, Omar Chaparro, Laura de Ita, Antonio Ruiz, and Yare Santana

Como matar a un esposo muerto (2017)

Actors: Carolyn Caldera, Stephanie Cayo, Ana Claudia Talancón, José Pepe Bojórquez, Omar Chaparro, Laura de Ita, Antonio Ruiz, and Yare Santana

Manual de principiantes para ser presidente (2016)

Actors: Unax Ugalde, Alejandra Ambrosi, and Amaia Salamanca

Heart of Gold (2012)

Actors: Unax Ugalde, Alejandra Ambrosi, and Amaia Salamanca

Zacatillo, un lugar en tu corazón (2010)

Actors: Unax Ugalde, Alejandra Ambrosi, and Amaia Salamanca

El otro Diego (2007)

Actors: Unax Ugalde, Alejandra Ambrosi, and Amaia Salamanca

La pena negra: el agua que desemboca (2007)

Actors: Unax Ugalde, Alejandra Ambrosi, and Amaia Salamanca

El amor es un breve instante de esplendor, qué ocurre entre el anhelo y la ausencia (2007)

Actors: Unax Ugalde, Alejandra Ambrosi, and Amaia Salamanca
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