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Summary: Following the death of a mother, a father and son open up their very own harem in their Genevan estate after watching 8½ (1963).
Runtime: 1 h 58 min

Domestic: $ 424,123
International: $ 13,445

Box office:

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Summary: The venerated filmmaker Eisenstein is comparable in talent, insight and wisdom, with the likes of Shakespeare or Beethoven; there are few - if any - directors who can be elevated to such heights. On the back of his revolutionary f...
Runtime: 1 h 45 min
MPAA: Unrated

Movie budget: $ 2,472,000
Domestic: $ 34,282
International: $ 57,634
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Summary: An extravagant, exotic and moving look at Rembrandt's romantic and professional life, and the controversy he created by the identification of a murderer in the painting 'The Night Watch'.
Runtime: 2 h 14 min

Movie budget: $ 7,500,000
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Shchukin, Matisse, Dance and Music (2016)

Actors: Hendrik Aerts, Clemens Froehlich, Bruno Da Rocha Pereira, Laura Rosillo, Tess Sturman, and Clotilde Tran-Phat

3x3D (2013)

Actors: Hendrik Aerts, Clemens Froehlich, Bruno Da Rocha Pereira, Laura Rosillo, Tess Sturman, and Clotilde Tran-Phat

Goltzius and The Pelican Company (2012)

Actors: Hendrik Aerts, Clemens Froehlich, Bruno Da Rocha Pereira, Laura Rosillo, Tess Sturman, and Clotilde Tran-Phat

92 Atomic Bomb Explosions on the Planet Earth (2010)

Actors: Hendrik Aerts, Clemens Froehlich, Bruno Da Rocha Pereira, Laura Rosillo, Tess Sturman, and Clotilde Tran-Phat

The Marriage (2009)

Actors: Hendrik Aerts, Clemens Froehlich, Bruno Da Rocha Pereira, Laura Rosillo, Tess Sturman, and Clotilde Tran-Phat

Rembrandt's J'Accuse...! (2008)

Actors: Hendrik Aerts, Clemens Froehlich, Bruno Da Rocha Pereira, Laura Rosillo, Tess Sturman, and Clotilde Tran-Phat

Peopling the Palaces at Venaria Reale (2007)

Actors: Hendrik Aerts, Clemens Froehlich, Bruno Da Rocha Pereira, Laura Rosillo, Tess Sturman, and Clotilde Tran-Phat

A Life in Suitcases (2005)

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Writing on Water (2005)

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Visions of Europe (2004)

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The Tulse Luper Suitcases, Part 2: Vaux to the Sea (2004)

Actors: A Life

The Tulse Luper Suitcases: Antwerp (2003)

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