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Summary: The life stories of various historical figures and celebrities are told.
Release Date: April 06, 1987
Runtime: 1 h 00 min

Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: A tenderfoot becomes a bounty hunter in the hopes of making a better future for himself and his new love.
Runtime: 1 h 32 min
MPAA: Approved

Distributor: Embassy Pictures
Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 194,000
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Summary: A group of concerned adults try to ban rock and roll music in their town because they think that the music promotes juvenile delinquency. It's now up to a disc jockey and a hipster to defend the music in a televised trial. The mov...
Runtime: 1 h 12 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 79,000
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Summary: Three teenagers with troubled families are unable to adjust at home and in high-school. Tempted with an easy, carefree life they soon pass from misdemeanors into serious crime - and will suffer for it. Sometimes, repentance comes ...
Runtime: 1 h 32 min
MPAA: Approved

Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: A mysterious hypnotist reverts his beautiful assistant back into the form of a prehistoric sea monster that she was in a past life.
Runtime: 1 h 17 min
MPAA: Approved

Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 100,000
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Requiem for a Gunfighter (1965)

Actors: Rod Cameron and Stephen McNally

The Underwater City (1962)

Actors: Julie Adams and William Lundigan

The Atomic Submarine (1959)

Actors: Paul Dubov, Dick Foran, Arthur Franz, and Brett Halsey

Submarine Seahawk (1958)

Actors: John Bentley, Brett Halsey, and Mabel Rea

Jet Attack (1958)

Actors: John Agar, Stella Lynn, and Audrey Totter

Motorcycle Gang (1957)

Actors: John Ashley, Anne Neyland, and Steven Terrell

Dragstrip Girl (1957)

Actors: Fay Spain and Steven Terrell

Voodoo Woman (1957)

Actors: Fay Spain and Steven Terrell

Flesh and the Spur (1956)

Actors: Fay Spain and Steven Terrell

Girls in Prison (1956)

Actors: Richard Denning, Helen Gilbert, Adele Jergens, and Joan Taylor

The Oklahoma Woman (1956)

Actors: Peggie Castle
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