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Summary: The missing persons unit of the Belgian federal police goes all the way each time a child or adult is likely to be in need of urgent help. Some cases are just domestic or false alerts, other link to various other crimes, from blac...
Release Date: March 25, 2008
Genres: Action, Drama, Crime
Runtime: 0 h 48 min

Production: Eyeworks
Country: Belgium
Language: Dutch

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Summary: Elias develops feelings for his new neighbor Alexander. He soon realizes he's falling in love for the first time.
Runtime: 1 h 37 min

Distributor: Strand Releasing
Countries: Belgium, Netherlands
Language: German
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L'homme inconnu (2021)

Actors: Samuel Suchod

The Male Gaze: The Heat of the Night (2019)

Actors: Samuel Suchod

New Queer Visions: Men from the Boys (2017)

Actors: Samuel Suchod

Petit ami (2017)

Actors: Samuel Suchod

Dag vreemde man (2016)

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Volg mij (2015)

Actors: Maarten Ketels and Ezra Fieremans

Kus me zachtjes (2012)

Actors: Ezra Fieremans

Als ik jou tegenkom (2010)

Actors: Kenneth Vanbaeden and Fabrice Chan
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