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Summary: Agent Simpkins and trainees chase STENCH (the Society for the Total Extinction of Non-Conforming Humans) for a stolen chemical formula, using gadgets and disguises to defeat villains The Fat Man, Dr Milchman, and Dr Crow.
Runtime: 1 h 27 min

Language: English

Possible lazy cash grab:



LGBTQ content included:

cross dressing

Possibly woke elements:

female agent

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Summary: Two Britons, Hengist and Horsa, are captured and enslaved by invading Romans and taken to Rome. One of their first encounters in Rome leaves Hengist being mistaken for a fighter, and gets drafted into the Royal Guard to protect Ca...
Runtime: 1 h 32 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Language: English

Possible lazy cash grab:



LGBTQ content included:

cross dressing

BechdeltestNo women talkingNo MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.
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