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Summary: This particular series combines several "The Dick Cavett Show" on ABC: ABC This Morning/The Dick Cavett Show ABC Daytime March 1968 - January 1969 The Dick Cavett Show ABC Primetime May 1969 - September 1969 The Dick Cavett Show A...
Release Date: March 04, 1968
Genres: Music, Talk-Show
Runtime: 1 h 30 min

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Summary: Mike Douglas, aided by a different celebrity co-host every week, interviews a variety of figures from the world of entertainment.
Release Date: December 11, 1961
Runtime: 1 h 29 min

Country: United States
Language: English

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White66.67%Mixed / Other33.33%


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Dr. Seuss' the Butter Battle Book (1989)

Actors: Miriam Flynn and Christopher Collins

The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat (1982)

Actors: Mason Adams and Bob Holt

Pontoffel Pock, Where Are You? (1980)

Actors: Sue Allen, Don Messick, Hal Smith, Wayne Morton, and Ken Lundie

It's Grinch Night (1977)

Actors: Sue Allen, Don Messick, Hal Smith, Wayne Morton, and Ken Lundie

The Hoober-Bloob Highway (1975)

Actors: Sue Allen, Don Messick, Hal Smith, Wayne Morton, and Ken Lundie

Green Eggs and Ham and Other Stories (1973)

Actors: Sue Allen, Don Messick, Hal Smith, Wayne Morton, and Ken Lundie

The Lorax (1972)

Actors: Sue Allen, Don Messick, Hal Smith, Wayne Morton, and Ken Lundie

The Cat in the Hat (1971)

Actors: The Cat

Horton Hears a Who! (1970)

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Operation Snafu (1945)

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No Buddy Atoll (1945)

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Hot Spot (1945)

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It's Murder She Says... (1945)

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