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Summary: A cop is recently divorced, and to fill the void, he adopts a police dog who has also lost his companion. Together, they solve crimes occurring in and around the city of Vienna.
Release Date: November 10, 1994
Genres: Action, Crime, Mystery
Runtime: 0 h 45 min

Countries: Austria, Germany
Language: German
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Summary: 26 men are chosen to participate in the roles of guards and prisoners in a psychological study that ultimately spirals out of control.
Runtime: 1 h 36 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 21,800,000
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Summary: Follows Santiago, a 22-year old from Lima on a beach trip with stepsister Ximena and her husband Inigo after his father's suicide, exploring themes of redemption, coming-of-age, and facing inner demons as tensions arise between th...
Runtime: 1 h 40 min

Countries: Spain, Peru, Mexico, Chile
Language: Spanish
Movie budget: $ 1,800,000
Domestic: $ 29,697
International: $ 166,372
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