  • #sea
Summary: A champion and expert safety diver seemed destined for one another. Despite different paths taken, they meet at the pinnacle of the free-diving world, experiencing the thrilling rewards and inescapable risks of chasing dreams thro...
Runtime: 1 h 48 min

Distributor: Netflix
Summary: Three paroled inept Romanian convicts dream up get-rich-quick schemes on the Black Sea Riviera where a petty-crime police squad led by Captain Panait is vacationing.
Runtime: 1 h 40 min

Country: Romania
Language: Romanian
Movie budget: $ 2,800,000
Summary: A forest by the sea. Three friends. A girl. Friendship, love. Can they overcome prejudices and go back to being friends again?
Runtime: 1 h 33 min
MPAA: Unrated

Country: Argentina
Language: Spanish
Movie budget: $ 400,000