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Summary: Merv Griffin invites a series of actors, actresses, writers, and directors to discuss the progressive work they have done and current culture, arts, and entertainment surrounding the numerous projects.
Release Date: October 01, 1962
Genres: Comedy, Family, Music
Runtime: 1 h 00 min

Language: English
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Summary: Emmanuelle Prevert struggles with an uninterested husband. She pursues affairs with influential men. A jealous lover exposes her infidelities, causing a scandal. Her goal remains igniting passion with her spouse.
Runtime: 1 h 28 min

Language: English
Movie budget: $ 320,000
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Summary: Dick Turpin terrorizes Upper Dencher. Fancey and Strapp enlist Flasher, who leads a double life, to stop Turpin. Amidst intertwining lives, Madame Desiree's "Birds of Paradise" arrive as Turpin's reign continues.
Runtime: 1 h 31 min

Language: English
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Summary: Sidney Fiddler organizes a beauty contest for a seaside town, but faces opposition from Councillor Prodworthy, who leads a women's liberation group aiming to sabotage the competition through disruption tactics.
Runtime: 1 h 28 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Language: English
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Summary: A group of tourists arrive at a half-finished hotel in Spain where the oddly identical staff and bad weather threaten the building's stability.
Runtime: 1 h 28 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Language: English
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An Evening with... Peter Rogers (2005)

Laugh with the Carry Ons (1993)

Carry on Columbus (1992)

What a Carry On (1983)

Carry on Laughing (1981)

That's Carry On! (1977)

Carry on England (1976)

Carry on Behind (1975)

Carry on Laughing (1975)

Carry on Christmas (1973)

Carry on Christmas: Carry on Stuffing (1972)

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