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Summary: Rodrigo and his friends are bored teenagers living in Medellin. Rodrigo wants to start a punk band. The youths mainly loaf around the hillside shanty towns and, for kicks, steal a bike or car, or shoot someone.
Runtime: 1 h 33 min

Country: Colombia
Language: Spanish
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Bajo el tiempo (2023)

Buscando al Animal (2017)

La mujer del animal (2016)

Sumas y restas (2004)

La vendedora de rosas (1998)

Don Isa (1992)

Simon el mago (1992)

Los cuentos de Campo Valdés (1987)

Los habitantes de la noche (1985)

La vieja guardia (1985)

Los músicos (1985)

Que pase el aserrador (1984)

Simón el Mago (1984)

Buscando tréboles (1978)

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