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Summary: In this eccentric all-female romantic comedy, charismatic filmmaker Anna faces a midlife crisis. She has neither job nor girlfriend, and lives in her friend's garage in Los Angeles. Just when she's about to throw in the towel, she...
Runtime: 1 h 23 min
MPAA: Unrated

Country: United States
Language: English

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Hit So Hard (2011)

Friends of Dorothy (2009)

Soy mi madre (2008)

Girl Cousins (2007)

Wicked Wicked Games (2006)

Hubby/Wifey (2005)

Violation (2004)

The New Women (2001)

Ding Dong (1995)

The Chick's a Dick (1991)

The Esperanto Family (1990)

L.A. on $5 a Day (1989)

Wanton Sinner (1988)

Kaka Ferskur (Fresh Rolls) or The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking (1988)

The Horror and Mystery of the Succubus (1986)

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