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Summary: Young nun Colleen is avoiding all contact from her family, returning to her childhood home in Asheville NC, she finds her old room exactly how she left it: painted black and covered in goth/metal posters.
Runtime: 1 h 31 min

Country: United States
Language: English

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Summary: Larger-than-life actress, cabaret performer, activist, and proud sex professional since the age of eleven, Luana Muniz - arguably one of Brazil's most famous transgender personalities - shaped a new reality in her hostel by provid...
Runtime: 1 h 13 min

Distributor: Factory 25
Country: Brazil
Language: Portuguese
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Vulcanizadora (2024)

Palookaville (2023)

Rear View (2022)

Actors: Babak Tafti and Morgan Saylor

Don't Look Back Now (2021)

Actors: Babak Tafti and Morgan Saylor

All the Old Bells (2020)

Actors: Kate Lyn Sheil

Inspector Ike (2020)

Actors: Kate Lyn Sheil

Churros (2019)

Actors: Bruce Smolanoff, Angel Sanchez, Armando Croda, Barbara Jimenez, and Adam J. Minnick

The Great Pretender (2018)

Actors: Bruce Smolanoff, Angel Sanchez, Armando Croda, Barbara Jimenez, and Adam J. Minnick

Tormenting the Hen (2017)

Actors: Carolina Monnerat

Dad Day (2016)

Actors: Carolina Monnerat

Cooklyn (2016)

Actors: Carolina Monnerat

Abby Singer/Songwriter (2015)

Actors: Carolina Monnerat

Applesauce (2015)

Actors: Onur Tukel
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