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Summary: An American doctor and his wife, a former singing star, witness a murder while vacationing in Morocco, and are drawn into a twisting plot of international intrigue when their young son is kidnapped.
Runtime: 2 h 00 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 2,500,000

Box office:



remake, color remake of black and white film

Possible Big Business:


Paramount Pictures


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Summary: A religious sect led by Gustav Weil hunts all women suspected of witchcraft, killing a number of innocent victims. Young Frieda, Gustav's niece, will involve herself in a devilish cult, and become an instrument of Justice in the r...
Runtime: 1 h 27 min

Language: English
Movie budget: $ 205,067
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Summary: In 1830, forty years to the day since the last manifestation of their dreaded vampirism, the Karnstein heirs use the blood of an innocent to bring forth the evil that is the beautiful Mircalla - or as she was in 1710, Carmilla.
Runtime: 1 h 31 min

Language: English
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Summary: Seductive vampire Carmilla Karnstein and her family target the beautiful and the rich in a remote area of late eighteenth-century Gemany.
Runtime: 1 h 31 min

Language: English
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Summary: Addresses some of the major 60s social issues - a bored rich London-girl from Chelsea decides to go "slumming" in depressed Battersea, getting a flat and starts factory-work and makes friends... of which one has to get an illegal ...
Runtime: 1 h 59 min

Production: BHE Films, Crasto
Distributor: Olive Films
Language: English
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Summary: A beautiful young girl arrives in London to pursue a modeling career, and finds herself caught up in the whole "swinging '60s" scene.
Runtime: 1 h 28 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Language: French
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Fright (1971)

Actors: Susan George

The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer (1970)

Actors: Peter Cook

The Long Day's Dying (1968)

Actors: Peter Cook

The Penthouse (1967)

Actors: Tony Beckley

Three Bites of the Apple (1967)

Actors: Tony Beckley

The Liquidator (1965)

Actors: Tony Beckley

The Sentimental Agent (1963)

Actors: Tony Beckley

Man of the World (1962)

Actors: Craig Stevens

Sir Francis Drake (1961)

Actors: Jean Kent and Terence Morgan
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