I will add that on the plus side there is a theme about founding a Father, which is a wholesome theme, but on the negative side there is a feminist captain promoting the tiresome girl-power meme.
This review does not make any judgement about the film, it only judges other reviewers. It does not talk about the merits (or lack therof) of brokeback mountain.
You know what, I should have rated it higher, 4 point something.
Hey, could you add an option to let us delete/edit reviews after we post them? Sometimes there’s mistakes I don’t catch at first.
Glad you like it! Keep coming back and speak your mind so we can continue to improve.
In a modern context, this parable can serve as an illustration of how various woke-minorities take advantage of the kindness and tolerance of the true masters to dictate their agenda.
Hello Love, please do the needful and post Bob!
I agree 100%. And again, if some rich donor said to go back to RightWingTomatoes, I’d do it in a heartbeat. And I know it seems weird right now because my grand vision is far from complete. It’s still just a movie review site. So why not RightWingTomatoes? But ideally, we will have books, music, and help filter new media (like a customizable DrudgeReport that puts Odysee/Rumble/BitChute/random blogs all in one feed). If that is what the site looked like now, I think the new name would make more sense. We filter the subcultures and zeitgeists online. But even so, I didn’t know that most people don’t even know what “zeitgeist” means, lol. F**k man… really wish I had the money to pay marketers and branding and all that. Just fumbling in the dark. Ah well. Still, I think it’s more harmful to keep switching names back and forth, and mentally I just view this as a side project for the time being. Too frustrating otherwise. But I’m with ya, man. Oh, and for what it’s worth, none of you guys knew but that initial rebrand was also because I was on a mission applying for grants, loans, and legit institutional support. I mean, I went balls to the wall, tons of networking events, tons of applications, cold calls, cold emails, meeting mentors, etc.
So it wasn’t just a marketing thing, it was also: “How can I make this project presentable to normies and banks?” But even the most legit start ups struggle to get capital if it’s not a brick and mortar business with existing profit. Especially if you don’t have collateral or rich parents. So there were other things going on behind the scenes for my rationale. But the dust has settled and I’m open to whatever. ?
Word is that an official update for DOOM has just been released. You can fight online like 30 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4-xswoPRpo
Trans rights are human rights.
Just discovered your website : just…Thanks !
I can’t properly review films, because the area where the review goes, cut’s off half way and is missing some elements, like the ability to score for woke.
Yup, decided to return for awhile, because winterblues makes me watch films…. Yeah, I like that there are younger people, but naturally us boomers don’t care much for anything made after 2005 or so but seriously, films and series, kinda develop a whole new meaning when you enter your midlife, you either want quality or genuine novelty. Not that I mind, when I was much younger I used to hang out with older folks giving me music recommendations, this was well over 20 years ago. Learned a lot, I was still listening to Iron Maiden when I entered this old geezer forum full of people who liked progrock, indierock and what now gets called postpunk, in one year that expanded my musical knowledge. It was great, I still have all this knowledge on obscure bands that I use to troll younger people and boomers alike….
So yeah, youngersters are definitively going to go through this site, watch some old flick and go hmmm this isn’t bad, then they are going to forget they watched it, only to return to it when they are older. Such is life. I personally use this site primarily to find a film with a White cast, I actually found a lot of great films using this site alone, so naturally I will be returning in the future, just for that and hopefully for the bantz.
Tanks. I watched it because of your review. Liked it a lot and can second your conclusion
Never mind, the woke score is in a tab below, but the area for reviews cut’s of at the four star mark.
Good sh*t. Check out the anime “Wolf’s Rain” for a similar vibe. (The ending credits song of Felidae reminded me of it.)
Obviously a slav, lol stop pretending to be american.
The messaging in this is terrible >your dad is secretly an evil killer >family men with normal lives are secretly evil killers >mystery meat pop stars good