  • Rie Hedegaard
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  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Anon 17 September 2024 23:48 to post Fantasy action show

    shonen trash

  • This review was posted from Ireland or from a VPN in Ireland.
    Anon 15 December 2024 16:21 to post 80 For Brady

    a gaggle of ancient broads with one foot in the casket and they still think they deserve a tom brady. the limits of hypergamy are truly beyond reason.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Anon 9 December 2024 4:27 to post Vril Princess v.s. (((Evil Witch)))

    Based review

  • This review was posted from Austria or from a VPN in Austria.
    Anon 25 February 3:56 to post Feedback

    My one suggestion is that you shouldn’t necessarily have given up on the ‘RightWingTomatoes’ parody name. It’s just an amazing and immediately intuitive brand name recognition thing. Easy to remember and says immediately what it is and what it’s for. I imagine it’s what brought most people here and garnered you attention in the first place (it’s certainly what first brought me here). And I don’t think it necessarily signals a boomer normiecon kind of worldview anymore. The ‘right-wing’ label in popular understanding is increasingly extending beyond that to the ‘alt’ and ‘dissident’ edges. And besides, you say you welcome all perspectives, right?

    Also I must say it seems kind of silly for this, of all sites, to be censoring ‘slurs’.

    Anyhow, just my tuppence. Thanks for creating and running this thing!

  • This review was posted from Austria or from a VPN in Austria.
    Anon 25 February 3:57 to post Coming Soon

    I do really appreciate this project since it’s pretty much the only uncensored movie review place on the ‘net. I think I saw you say something somewhere about how your eventual dream is for this to become an all-inclusive reviews site for everything. GoodReads had been deleting my book reviews (and is outright deleting Dissident and Pro-White books from its site) so it made me wish for an uncensored book review site, like this but, well, for books. I know that would be a HUGE amount of work tho. Oh well, something to dream about…

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Anon 4 September 2024 17:15 to post Good old Morrowind in new packaging

    Obviously a slav, lol stop pretending to be american.

  • This review was posted from Canada or from a VPN in Canada.
    Anon 15 January 10:12 to post Curt Hayward

    Curt is a much better actor than one would think, based on his very limited resume. And Curt is a really good singer and mimic of famous pop, hip-hop, rock and jazz singers.

  • This review was posted from Germany or from a VPN in Germany.
    Anon 24 December 2024 1:56 to post Apocalypse Now Is More Gripping Than Marvel Universe Escapism

    Wrong movie, f**got.

  • This review was posted from Philippines or from a VPN in Philippines.
    Schille 25 December 2024 3:22 to post The Mother and the Whore

    Bernadette lafont is so hot

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    RWTBarbaroSSa 21 December 2024 2:30 to post holy kino

    I wanna write a review on this but it has no IMDb page to import from. Anyways, for a hitpiece they did a horrible job. Made Spain look awesome and this is how I imagine you and Beertje Blauw:

    “Inside Spain’s Fascism Fandom” – VICE

  • This review was posted from Romania or from a VPN in Romania.
    Anon 22 September 2024 14:35 to post Excellent

    Its my absolute favorite movie ever.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Brahman 17 August 2024 16:19 to post Ryan Gosling

    The adventures of Ryan Gosling:

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Anon 9 February 3:25 to post Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

    You’re playing it wrong: you’re supposed to have a four way with Bill Gates, Elon Musk and George Soros while chanting specific verses of The Talmud.

  • This review was posted from Philippines or from a VPN in Philippines.
    iwatchshit 10 February 10:39 to post Black Box

    lmao – they rip off Memento and have the balls to call the protagonist Nolan?

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    STFU HollywoodAnon 7 February 11:27 to post FAQ

    Yeah idk what gives. We use cloudflare but maybe we’ve had a spike in traffic lately? Working on improving UI and SEO right now which includes getting rid of superfluous sh*t. Anyways, glad you like it. Stay tuned…

  • This review was posted from Italy or from a VPN in Italy.
    Anonalisha 13 January 16:50 to post FAQ

    Lol cry more.

  • This review was posted from Ireland or from a VPN in Ireland.
    brainfried 29 December 2024 17:45 to post Man on a Ledge

    This whole movie is just vertigo porn. The trick works for the first forty minutes but they totally overuse it to the point where it’s just annoying.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    RWTBeertje Blauw 20 December 2024 6:11 to post Feedback

    Welcome back! Literally shouted “Beertje Blauw!” when I saw ur review. Thought you were gone for good. Same with Mondo Mirth. (Miss that lil nigga…) But I don’t want any pressure to stick around or write weekly reviews because it’s not like you’re paid staff or anything. Which is why I don’t want to check in or comment like a guilt tripping lonely mother. But I appreciate all you guys, especially the O.G. ones that have been around since the beginning.  

    Idk if you saw, but I tried hiring someone to manage social media and post relevant memes. Well, you get what you pay for (and I can’t afford professionals quite yet) so I left for 2 months without checking up on her. Turns out she was posting gore and normie memes and unrelated cat videos. Guess my instructions weren’t clear. Needless to say, I immediately discontinued that and deleted all her social media posts. ?‍♂️ Likewise with a guy trying to help with SEO. All that came from that was now each site tab now says “Is X woke?” which I’m not sure even helps us rank higher. 

    All that is to say that I’ve given up on trying to grow it as a top priority. At least for the time being, and instead view ZR as an artist collective type project. A webzine or journal so that even if you leave and never write another review, at least there will be a collection of reviews and musings for ppl to look at. Same for if we never get hockey stick social network type growth. The work put into it thus far still has value.

    So, I’ll focus on improving features and UI gradually until I can secure some more money to do it quicker. In the meantime, your feedback is always welcome and we’ll prioritize it. But feel free to come and go as you please.  

    ( Also, in regards to the younger folks: I’m trying to get a banner ad on AmRen or other sites so we get a more diverse ecosystem. More classic movies and articulate old guy reviews to balance out the sh*t posting and anime obsession. I went to the 2024 AmRen convention and got a few older fellas to contribute reviews too. You just might not know which of us are geezers. ? )

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Brahman 14 August 2024 10:18 to post Blade Runner 2049

    Here is the music generation from the neural network of Suno Ai on the theme of this piece:

  • This review was posted from Ireland or from a VPN in Ireland.
    Wendelin St ClairSTFU Hollywood 17 December 2024 10:53 to post Feedback

    Awesome, thanks so much for your work! 
    Although, just checking it now, I am logged in, but there’s no link on the review itself to edit/delete it. And when I go to my user profile I see the option ‘Edit Review’ (no option to delete tho) but when I click it nothing happens…