  • #cartoon sheep
  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Anon 9 February 3:25 to post Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

    You’re playing it wrong: you’re supposed to have a four way with Bill Gates, Elon Musk and George Soros while chanting specific verses of The Talmud.

  • This review was posted from Canada or from a VPN in Canada.
    alishaAnon 9 October 2024 2:52 to post FAQ


  • This review was posted from the United Kingdom or from a VPN in the United Kingdom.
    STFU HollywoodAnon 25 February 13:39 to post Feedback

    I agree 100%. And again, if some rich donor said to go back to RightWingTomatoes, I’d do it in a heartbeat. And I know it seems weird right now because my grand vision is far from complete. It’s still just a movie review site. So why not RightWingTomatoes? But ideally, we will have books, music, and help filter new media (like a customizable DrudgeReport that puts Odysee/Rumble/BitChute/random blogs all in one feed). If that is what the site looked like now, I think the new name would make more sense. We filter the subcultures and zeitgeists online. 
    But even so, I didn’t know that most people don’t even know what “zeitgeist” means, lol. Fuck man… really wish I had the money to pay marketers and branding and all that. Just fumbling in the dark. Ah well. Still, I think it’s more harmful to keep switching names back and forth, and mentally I just view this as a side project for the time being. Too frustrating otherwise. But I’m with ya, man. Oh, and for what it’s worth, none of you guys knew but that initial rebrand was also because I was on a mission applying for grants, loans, and legit institutional support. I mean, I went balls to the wall, tons of networking events, tons of applications, cold calls, cold emails, meeting mentors, etc.

    So it wasn’t just a marketing thing, it was also: “How can I make this project presentable to normies and banks?” But even the most legit start ups struggle to get capital if it’s not a brick and mortar business with existing profit. Especially if you don’t have collateral or rich parents. 
    So there were other things going on behind the scenes for my rationale. But the dust has settled and I’m open to whatever. ?

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Beertje BlauwBeertje Blauw 2 February 18:29 to post Feedback

    Never mind, the woke score is in a tab below, but the area for reviews cut’s of at the four star mark.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Anon 8 February 11:06 to post Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

    Only play if you’re gay.

  • This review was posted from Ireland or from a VPN in Ireland.
    Anon 3 November 2024 13:52 to post Feedback

    On the movie details pages, it would be cool if you showed the top billing cast under ‘Writers’ instead of having it hidden in a tab underneath

  • This review was posted from Philippines or from a VPN in Philippines.
    Schille 25 December 2024 3:22 to post The Mother and the Whore

    Bernadette lafont is so hot

  • This review was posted from Canada or from a VPN in Canada.
    BarbaroSSa 20 December 2024 18:23 to post holy kino

    Tanks. I watched it because of your review. Liked it a lot and can second your conclusion 😀

  • This review was posted from Italy or from a VPN in Italy.
    Anon 13 January 16:50 to post FAQ

    Whoa it’s a good thing the interface on here sucks because this site is fucking dogshit and I hope it fails LOL

  • This review was posted from Ireland or from a VPN in Ireland.
    Anon 8 December 2024 20:34 to post Loki

    Basically watch the last 2 episodes of the season 2 and forget everything else. Because that’s the only time Loki actually gets any development, or even something to do. The rest of the time it’s the Annoying Cuntfaced Bitch show. Every time this ‘Sylvie’ shows up it’s unbearable to watch. Even if she wasn’t, she just has no arc. She runs in, screeches obnoxiously, then acts like a dumb impulsive mingebag while being treated as The Bestast Evar by everyone, literally every episode. Even Loki is reduced to a dribbling lapdog in her presence. On top of that she has a low class northern accent and sounds NOTHING like any of the other Asgardians. When she finally fucks off in those last two episodes we finally get the time travel kino we were waiting for, though by then it’s almost too little too late. But Kang was actually decent. In fact he was the complex villain that Marvel was lacking. If you ask me, Thanos was just a bitch. It’s a shame Jonathan Majors had to chimpout IRL and knock his ex’s teeth out.

  • This review was posted from Philippines or from a VPN in Philippines.
    iwatchshit 10 February 10:39 to post Black Box

    lmao – they rip off Memento and have the balls to call the protagonist Nolan?

  • This review was posted from Canada or from a VPN in Canada.
    Anon 15 January 10:12 to post Curt Hayward

    Curt is a much better actor than one would think, based on his very limited resume. And Curt is a really good singer and mimic of famous pop, hip-hop, rock and jazz singers.

  • This review was posted from New Zealand or from a VPN in New Zealand.
    AnonAnon 22 November 2024 20:19 to post FAQ

    And human rights don’t exist

  • This review was posted from Japan or from a VPN in Japan.
    iwatchshit 8 January 19:06 to post Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel


  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    BrahmanBrahman 14 August 2024 10:24 to post Blade Runner 2049
  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Pareidoliac 28 December 2024 18:45 to post Watchable

    + it’s also dark and depressing throughout, and perhaps has a cynical downer ending. It has both anti-traditional and anti-science themes simultaneously? For what that’s worth

    The important thing is that you know what you’re getting into. It’s a horror movie in 2024, with all that implies.

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    Anon 6 February 5:22 to post FAQ

    I appreciate that you are not Letterboxd, even though their website loads quicker.

  • This review was posted from Canada or from a VPN in Canada.
    Anon 24 December 2024 18:29 to post Whether to see BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN

    This review does not make any judgement about the film, it only judges other reviewers. It does not talk about the merits (or lack therof) of brokeback mountain.

  • This review was posted from Austria or from a VPN in Austria.
    AnonSTFU Hollywood 16 January 8:48 to post Feedback

    I was logged out and can’t seem to log in again, or reset my password. The username I was using is “Wendelin St Clair”

  • This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
    RWT 9 February 17:44 to post Step into the unknown

    >trapped in the gilded cage of modern existence

    “What’s your dream job? What do you wanna’ do when you grow up?”

    “Uhhh, I’m gonna’ be a doctor.”

    “How much do you wanna’ make?”

    “I’m gonna’ make.. people feel ok.”
