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Summary: M.u.g.e.n is a freeware 2D fighting game that has literally every character that has been created ever, both original and from popular fiction, Submitted by players from around the world, Get ready for the fighting game of a lifet...
Release Date: July 27, 1999
MPAA: E10+

Production: Elecbyte
Language: English
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Summary: In a parallel realm, warlord Xaviax ravages Ventara. Wing Knight, a surviving Kamen Rider, brings Advent Decks to Earth where Xaviax creates evil Riders. Kit Taylor becomes Dragon Knight, allying with Wing Knight to defeat Xaviax.
Release Date: December 13, 2008
Genre: Action
Runtime: 0 h 22 min

Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: Sean Barker, unwilling host to an alien bio-armor known as the Guyver, must fight the Kronos Corporation again before they discover the secrets of the Guyver's origin.
Runtime: 2 h 07 min

Countries: United States, Japan
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 900,000
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