Support is a boycott suggestion and is meant to be a way for us to consolidate our efforts in “voting with our dollars.” Obviously, Hollywood has proven that they will sacrifice profits for the sake of their agenda, but they’re not as monolithic as you’d think. And people still respond to incentives.
So the 3 options are:
Pay to watch:

This movie is worth your time, and you should support the creators financially so we get more content like it.
Watch it AND give them money.
Watch if free:
The show is entertaining, but you shouldn’t reward the creators for whatever reason. Perhaps you don't want to support preachy celebs who hate their fans. Or maybe you enjoy superhero movies and nostalgia bait, but don't want to encourage Hollywood to continue making them in such a high ratio.
That’s when you’d click the “Watch Now” button and choose from one of the “Free” links:

( Use at your own risk. ZeitgeistReviews does not endorse any of the links and we don’t condone piracy. And we definitely discourage you from using this Reddit thread that shows you all of the places to pirate movies & tv. )
Watch it BUT don’t give them money.
Skip it:
This means the movie wasn’t even worth your time. Maybe it's so full of Woke crap that you’ll want to pull your hair out half way through. Or it could simply just be a piece of s**t, and not in a "so bad it's good" kind of way.
Don’t watch it AND don’t give them money.
( Note: We have expanded our site from just TV & Movies. Now we have games and will add music/books/etc. So the wording might change but the sentiment is still the same for every "Support" section. )