The Best Films of 2016

(That’s the color of the walls of Chiron’s mother’s bedroom in Moonlight.)

It’s time once again for that hallowed, year-end tradition of comparing cinematic apples, oranges, bananas, mangoes, pears, peaches, and kiwis. Two notes:

You know as well as I do that Silence would have factored into this list if I had had the patience to wait and see it before publishing this. Be that as it may, now I get to watch it and judge it on its own terms, rather than in terms of which of these 10 movies it might displace.If I were to try to summarize what drew me to each of these movies, I would propose that it’s a shared quality of deep listening or attentiveness. What I mean by that exactly I leave for you to ponder...

Contains Mention
Dec 30th 2016
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