An interesting flavour of dorama
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Gay Stuff
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Fedora Tipping
This K-Drama has a main focus on a love story, which shouldn't surprise you, but neither is it disappointing. Where it stands apart from others is the interesting setting of back-and-forth between North and South Korea, and its portrayal of life in the North in particular, which was particularly fascinating, if not necessarily accurate. The suspense, romance, and humour are well balanced throughout, and the secondary character plots had enough effort put in to be of interest, unlike a lot of K-Dramas where they are an afterthought. The cast is 100% Korean, which is to say there are no basketball americans inserted for no reason, as one might expect in an American show. I suppose that makes it 100% diverse, or 0% depending on how you look at it. As far as I can tell, the actors are high profile in their home country, which is good I guess. I have seent them in other shows so let's assume that to be the case. All Korean shows put women on a pedestal for no reason, and this is no exception, but it is mildly irritating at worst, and not a deal breaker by any means. There are no sodomites present, although you may be forgiven for assuming that effeminate Korean men with makeup fit that description. Given South Korea's opposition to communism, you won't find any neo-marxist nonsense here either, nor have they shoehorned pro-atheist or mohammedian propaganda in. Near the end of the show, the episodes do tend to get a bit long, but it's a worthwhile watch even for those who aren't the most enthusiastic about dramas. I would not suggest paying to watch it, if only because it is a netflix show and they don't deserve your money.
Apr 21st 2022
This review was posted from the Netherlands or from a VPN in the Netherlands.
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