How did they allow this to be released?
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As far as I can tell, this movie was supposed to paint uncle Adolf as a goof. It failed. The premise of the movie is that the austrian painter wakes up in modern day Germany. At first he doesn't understand what is going on, but eventually he realizes what has happened. The rest of the film centers around a downtrodden German guy making a documentary about the man who pretends to be Hitler, and the obvious pressure received by the studio and those who choose to speak with him. For the laymen, the humour of the movie will be well appreciated, and the effort to paint Adolf as an actual human is a well appreciated break from the low-effort nazi bad trope that has been milked for the last 70 years in everything from war movies to hollywood capesh*t.
Apr 21st 2022
This review was posted from the Netherlands or from a VPN in the Netherlands.
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