Zooms**t skins
SupportConsume If Free
Gay Stuff
Affirmative Action
Fedora Tipping

Quite Sentimental and character driven teen melodrama made by perverted, self inserting X'er. Euphoria, like Skins, seeks to portray vices, relationships, and mentality through the lens of young people in a contemporary world. The difference is that Euphoria is very highly stylized in all sense with cool zooms**t aesthetic, from storytelling style, to some genuinely impressive (be it style over substance) cinematography and visual editing(S1 E4, E7 stand out in particular as well as the character intros), music, to even the costuming and makeup. Like most media it takes stances on certain topics. But can be surprisingly nuanced and not nearly as preachy as one would expect since it tries to portray perspectives and drama in an honest way (Which is somewhat bewildering because a real zoomer drama wouldn't have anyone having seggs, but i digress).

The cast is pretty solid with the exception of the fat bi**h( Kat). The main trio being the highlight and where much of the spirit of the show comes from( probably because majority of the plot revolves around them. Lead by Zendaya's junkie character Rue who works so well as a the main character of the show such as Euphoria because she's sexless and kinda androgynous looking. Followed by her famously trans side kick Jules who's unironically a refreshing. And the sigma f*g antagonist Nate who is a deconstruction of a deconstruction of a Jock archetype. He is infatuated by the previously mentioned ethereal trans girl (you can't make this s**t up).

Anyways watch season one if you're interested in the subject matter, good cinematography or you just want to enjoy some dark trashy fun. Season 2 mostly s**ts the bed. It transforms to an ironic crime thriller riddled with pacing issues and highlights just how much of a self indulgent hack of a writer Sam Levinson really is since he has no real idea where to take these characters.

Tldr: Solid TV all things considered and not just a coom bait misery porn.

May 27th 2022
This review was posted from Slovakia or from a VPN in Slovakia.
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