REVIEW: Obi-Wan Kenobi Season 1, Episode 3, “Part III”

*SPOILERS* “Part III” sees Obi-Wan and little Leia arrive on Mapuzo, a planet in a mining system. Meanwhile, Lord Vader promises Reva the title of Grand Inquisitor if she helps him capture Kenobi. When nobody meets them at the location Haja mentioned, Obi-Wan and Leia hitch a ride with a pro-Imperial transport. Their fake identities work for a while, but the driver, Freck, takes them to an Imperial waystation to have them checked out. An officer named Tala takes out the Stormtroopers and leads Obi-Wan to a secret passage that can get him and Leia to safety. However, Obi-Wan stops in his tracks when he senses a familiar presence. Darth Vader glides through the streets of the quiet mining town, leaving bodies in his wake to get Obi-Wan’s attention. Obi-Wan shoos Tala and Leia on, choosing...

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Jun 1st 2022
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