5 Actors with Careers That Are Collapsing

Lifestyle  Even in Hollywood, you have to deliver results if you want to remain employed. Every year stars fall off the A-list -- ask circa 2009 Nicolas Cage about that -- and find themselves in a shame spiral of B-movies, supporting roles, and eventually television (sorry, Robin Williams, who will be appearing in the CBS sitcom The Crazy Ones, and as the dad, no less). Who is about to fall off the top of the perch? var dataLayer = window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; dataLayer.push({ 'videoName': 'Magnolia - Trailer', 'videoType': 'Curated' }); 1. Tom CruiseThe success of Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol less than two years ago gave his stock a bump, but apparently it was the stunts that were the star of that movie. In the three consecutive flops he’s made since --...

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Jun 28th 2017
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