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Fedora Tipping
At least they got straight to the point. I heard about this show from a normie friend who said it's a bunch of animated shorts. Reminded me of the old MTV2 days or the early YouTube days when it was quality not quantity with channels like Future Shorts. But within the first 3 minutes of S01E01 they immediately got to all of the cliches and used bad cookie cutter CGI. Evil White British villain obsessed with money comes in to mansplain to some mercenary girl bosses about using their monster to fight. Asks them to intentionally fail the fight so he can win a bet and they all shout about how it's not about money to them. They even have horrid lines like "she's the best fighter because she's a woman. Women fight better than men." All within 3 minutes. Will watch the rest of the show to see if it gets any better. Brb. Jesus... The main character was literally gang raped and hates men now and is a lesbian. The rest of the episode is dialogue full of "little girl" "stupid girl" "pride" "feelings" "hate" "fear" . But the monsters were unique CGI models I must give credit for. Everything else was trash. Don't even watch a pirated version. Okay, S01E02. Let's see. 3 whacky robots: whacky black voice, sarcastic girlboss voice, and cheery guy. They go around a post-apocalyptic environment where they talk trash about fly over country people for being religious idiots who destroyed the world for environmental reasons. S01E03  Last shot. Here we go... cliche and woke? Hmm, amazing animation. Degenerate but not woke. I don't mind degen when they don't smack you over the head with it. Conclusion: S01E01 : 1 star, skip it S01E02: 2 stars, skip it S01E03: 3 stars, watch if free If you decide to watch this, pick a random season and a random episode. If it's trash, then stop trying and give up on the entire series.
Aug 20th 2022
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