The trailer for the live-action Winnie the Pooh horror movie 'Blood and Honey' dropped and... dude

I don't know where the trend started that we need gritty remakes of childhood classics. But, this is a thing we do now. The latest entry to the genre is the childhood classic Winnie the Pooh, which turns him into a loveable, huggable psychopath in Blood and Honey. It looks like something that if the Toxic Avenger read a story to children, this would be the story. When I first read about it, I was hoping it wasn't true. Now, there is a trailer.

Why is Winnie the Pooh killing people?

"Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore, we were friends for many years, and they're out there"

Watch the disturbing new trailer for Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey, which takes a violent new turn on the classic story.

— IGN (@IGN) August 31, 2022

As far as I can tell, it's not unlike my favorite...

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Aug 31st 2022
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