White sitcom
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In my quest to find White tv-series for the family, we rewatched the first two seasons of Growing Pains, I still remember this show from my childhood and it mostly holds up, the sitcom depicts the lives of an upper middle class White family, I guess the shrink dad and journalist mother would suggest a very liberal household, but affluent people generally are affluent because they maintain certain values. Overal the show's focus is primarily on the children and their troubles with the occasional marital problems, just standard sitcom fair, there is a clear moralistical overtone, though you might not always agree with the message, so its hit and miss, but the charm of the show is certainly the fact that the cast is very White, with (atleast the first 2 seasons) only having the occasional black or asian background character. A less positive note is the heavy dose of sarcastic, smart-mouthed and bitey humour the parents and children constantly dish out, a sitcom does not have to have everyone like each other and be happy and smilling, but its always weird to have a bunch of White people talk like Jewish comedians. Was not sure if I wanted to give this a 3 or a 4, but the all-White cast and the focus on the troubles of raising a family made me decide to give it a 4.
Oct 10th 2022
This review was posted from the Netherlands or from a VPN in the Netherlands.
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