no Kobra Kai
SupportConsume If Free
Gay Stuff
Affirmative Action
The bad guys being gay and woke is kind of bait. If you watch the whole series you'll see that they make fun of Christians and RightWingers too. As they should. It felt balanced and not too preachy. But it's not an anti-woke series by any means. They're just not afraid to call out disingenuous "cause-heads." (As PCU refers to them.) Cons: • There were too many slow motion struts to modern music throughout the series. To the point you could make a drinking game out of it. • The expectations the audience have due to adorable Winona Ryder and endearing Christian Slater make their shoes impossible to fill. J.D.'s reprisal was especially disappointing. • In order to not just redo the original film scene for scene, there are tons of surprises and subversions from the 80's version. But this also lead to inconsistency with the characters. J.D. and Veronica had incoherent motivations and the story arch felt equally lacking. Lots of unfulfilled loose ends... Pros: • The satire of the grown ups, clickbait cancel culture, and school shootings was hilarious. Actually laughed out loud a few times. • It was a mainly White cast and the diverse cast members were beautiful and felt like they belonged in their roles. • It was pretty edgy and the amount of clever insults kept every episode entertaining. • Thanks to the incoherent direction in the middle episodes, the entire series wasn't predictable, and the finale had a surprisingly moral end. Overall, this series is very skippable. I wouldn't recommend friends watch it unless they were curious fans of the first film. But I was entertained enough that I'm bummed the second season never got greenlit. The premise seemed more promising than the first season.
Oct 19th 2022
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