Mountain Mystery in S Korea
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Jirisan (Mount Jiri in English) takes place in the national park of its namesake. The premise of this television show is the job of the park rangers in taking care of the mountain and its visitors , and their actions upon determining that a series of seemingly accidental deaths may have a dark and deliberate correlation. For enthusiasts of K-dramas, this one is a relieving break from the concrete abomination of Seoul(less) which seems to be the setting for nearly all of their television shows and movies.  You can expect suspense and intrigue without any diversity nonsense or other subversion. The female characters are, in fact, very mild compared to the standard-issue South Korean bossgirl trope, and there is a lot more doing things than saying things, which is also non-standard. Overall a good show.
Nov 24th 2022
This review was posted from the Netherlands or from a VPN in the Netherlands.
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