The Princess Bride, 1987 - ★★★★★

So, back in 2019, I was an idiot, or more of an idiot, I should say. I'd been invited to hang out at a public pool with some friends, and then return to their house for a viewing of The Princess Bride, where the film would be projected onto the side of their barn while we sat in lawn chairs and watched it, which is obviously the best format for film viewing. I attended, mainly because the girl I was obsessed with at the time was there, and I didn't really focus on the film (I'd only seen it one other time before). After the movie, I went home with the girl's family, and while there, discussed the film with her mother, and we both concluded that the movie was overrated.

Culture is a noxious spiritual void, but out of its many failings, the one that both explains the success of The Princess...

Proper Review
Jan 4th 2023
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