The Matrix Revolutions

[1]1,531 words

Spoiler: Neo and Trinity die and the machines win. Bummer. Most of the rest makes no sense.

I hated this movie.

I didn’t hate it for its racial politics, which are the absolute worst I have ever seen. There are wise, powerful, competent, heroic Negroes everywhere. (The fact that they are all in Zion, a fictional city buried near the center of the Earth, explains why I never encounter them in real life.) There are also so many examples of South-East Asian and Polynesian mystery meat, complete with topknots and facial tattoos, that I scurried home to consult my copy of Carleton Coon’s Living Races of Mankind, which I like to call the Field Guide to Featherless Bipeds.

But as I indicated in my review of The Matrix Reloaded, I was willing to overlook...

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Jan 4th 2019
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