Twilight: Eclipse

1,431 words

[1]Note: Since more people watch movies than read Nietzsche and Spengler, I have vowed to write a weekly movie review. Hold me to it, dear reader. Nag me if necessary. And send me your requests and recommendations.

Twilight: Eclipse is the third movie based on Stephenie Meyer’s phenomenally popular four volume Twilight Saga. I reviewed the first two movies, Twilight (here [2]) and New Moon (here [3]), and I was gratified to be contacted by several readers for my opinion of Eclipse.

First, some background.

In Twilight, Bella Swan (Kristin Stewart), the protagonist with whom millions of primarily white teenage girls identity, comes to live with her father in Forks, Washington, one of the rainiest places in the United States. She is a Junior in High School. There...

Proper Review
Jan 4th 2019
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