The Spanish Films of Guillermo del Toro

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Guillermo del Toro is a Mexican director whose films I have been watching since I learned he was directing The Hobbit, which is being produced by Peter Jackson, the director of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. As a LOTR fanatic, I wanted to get a sense of how Del Toro might handle The Hobbit. This is the first of three reviews I hope to write on his work so far.

Del Toro’s directorial debut is Cronos (1993), a Mexican horror film. Made on a shoestring budget, Cronos is enormously impressive in style and substance, though there are some problematic scenes and occasional pacing problems (it deserves a big budget remake).

Cronos is a vampire movie, with a completely fresh take on the vampire mythos. The movie begins in Mexico 450 years ago. An alchemist and watchmaker...

Contains Mention
Jan 4th 2019
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