Movie Monday: ‘Scream VI’ Makes Box Office Noise

I scream, you scream, we all scream for Scream VI.

Well, that’s not entirely true. Probably not many reading (or writing) this blog were (ahem) dying for another Scream sequel. But judging by the weekend’s box-office estimates, plenty of people were. Scream VI earned an estimated $44.5 million in North America. Not only did it win the weekend’s box-office title, but it set a new high-water mark for the entire franchise, too.

Add in another $22.6 million from overseas, Scream VI collected a shout-worthy $67.1 million. Despite all the blood we see on screen, I don’t think the flick will finish in the red.

Scream VI took the title during a crowded weekend at the multiplex. Three new wide-release films were vying for attention, challenging a couple of strong holdovers.


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Mar 13th 2023
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